We are all musicians.
Okay, so not all of us are musically inclined and can learn to play an instrument in a week. Most of us aren't gifted with perfect pitch (if you are, I am very envious). For many of us, our musical career starts and ends at the dive bar's weekly karaoke night.
And yet, I believe we make music in our own right with every breath we take. Music doesn't require a full orchestra comprised of brass and strings and percussion. Music doesn't really have any prerequisites to exist. It kind of, just is. Some music is more pleasant-sounding or harmonious, but a cacophony of kindergarten children sing-screeching "The Itsy-Bitsy Spider" is musical, too!
Although, when I say we are all musicians, it really has nothing to do with Beethoven or karaoke or kindergarten debut performances. It has everything to do with how we communicate with the rest of the world. Whether or not you feel it, you add to the day's song. In a world filled with endless amounts of joy, love, pain, fear, and many emotions in between, it can be hard to remember that you, too, are contributing something radically important to the greater harmony of life's song.
I particularly want to highlight the importance of singing your truth - use your voice. Whenever and wherever you can, remind yourself that you are a musician. You are a musician when you tell someone they crossed a boundary of yours that made you uncomfortable. You are a musician when you speak out against an injustice. You are a musician when you tell your loved one that you see them for exactly who they are. You are a musician even in the moments between the notes - in the moments when you need to rest. Everything that you create is music, a chorus of never-ending vibrations that carries us through time.
I hope you remember that you create sound, and that is a gift. You are a musician, my dear.